Women's Network

FührungsFrauen Westpfalz [LeadershipWomen West Palatinate]

Women leaders - regardless of age, professional experience, industry - are confronted with diverse and special challenges. At the same time, women decision-makers in their professional environment are an important driver of innovative strength, diversity and change in business and society. Together, we, ZukunftsRegion Westpfalz e.V. and the Palatinate Chamber of Industry and Commerce [IHK Pfalz], would like to establish a regional network as a platform for exchange, mutual consultation and joint implementation of design impulses.

All top women from the West Palatinate are welcome - whether they are entrepreneurs, employed managers, heads of public authorities or decision-makers in the fields of culture and science. Because they know exactly the opportunities and challenges of a woman in a leadership position. They know which framework conditions are important in order to be effective and what often gets in the way in everyday life. We know from many studies and personal experience: Diverse teams are more successful and innovative. We are convinced that this also applies to our leadership culture.

In the network, we not only want to address the question of what female leadership means and what a successful career can look like. For us, addressing the shaping and further development of our region, our corporate culture and the framework conditions of our working environment also plays a special role.

November 16 marked the launch of the network, which is intended to provide a regional exchange platform for women in leadership positions. A diverse group of 80 "women leaders" from different areas of economic and social life gathered at the Fraunhofer Center in Kaiserslautern for the kick-off event. The Rhineland-Palatinate Minister of Economic Affairs, Daniela Schmitt, and Elisabeth Kolz from the E.U.L.E. association provided the impetus for the event, demonstrating how important strong women are for strong regions. At the end of the evening, the initiators Jutta Metzler and Sabine Mesletzky were enthusiastic about the consistently positive response to the network. Both are sure that the participants will be able to take away many new contacts, ideas and impulses for their work and further meetings.

Impressions of the 1st network meeting FührungsFrauen Westpfalz:

Impressions of the 2nd network meeting FührungsFrauen Westpfalz:

Impressions of the 3rd network meeting FührungsFrauen Westpfalz:

Impressions of the 4th network meeting FührungsFrauen Westpfalz:

Impressions of the 5th network meeting FührungsFrauen Westpfalz:

Impressions of the 6th network meeting FührungsFrauen Westpfalz:

Impressions of the 7th network meeting FührungsFrauen Westpfalz:

Contact persons:
Jutta Metzler ( )
Veronika Pommer ( )

Project partner: IHK Pfalz