Combining strengths - acting together!
In our organisation, business, academics, politics and civil society act together. We are committed to having fruitful discussions and trustworthy cooperations as a result of the merger. We create chances to talk and actively play a role in the creation of networks.
Our goal is to improve cooperation between academics and business and between the individual businesses in the West Palatinate, therefore contributing to innovation and growth. With various projects and event formats, we bring the regional players together, such as through BusinessMeeting West Palatinate and the Westpfalz: KREATIV [West Palatinate: CREATIVE] creative network. We place an emphasis on branch-related clusters, like the Rhineland-Palatinate textile and fashion initiative, which is connected to our regional economic strengths.
For us, joint actions don't end at administrative borders. We consciously look beyond the West palatinate and look for cooperations and the exchange of information outside of our region as well. We foster a cooperative exchange with our neighbours, particularly the Rhine-Neckar metropolitan region. In addition, constructive cooperations with strategic partners like the Industrie- und Handelskammer [Chamber of Industry and Commerce] Palatinate and the state government are important to us.