The West Palatinate has a diverse music scene and a long musical tradition. An example of this is Kusel Musikantenland [music country]. But many musicians and bands have a low level of recognition and insufficient possibilities to perform and practice. The Musikregion Westpfalz project has been working on this via various subprojects. In general, networking within the region and the joint presentation elsewhere should be improved. An important starting point is the Westpfalz: KREATIV [West Palatinate: CREATIVE] network, in which numerous musicians and producers are active. The first subject that was successfully completed was the production of a West Palatinate CD with works from newcomers and established artists.
An important concern in the music scene is the creation of urgently needed practice spaces. The creation of multiple practice spaces in vacant premises throughout the region is being considered, as is implementing the successful Pirmasens youth culture workshop in Kaiserslautern. In addition, the creation of an additional concert location is being discussed, such as an open-air stage near Gelterswoog lake, as well as hosting an open-air festival as a platform for regional artists. As part of this project, numerous sponsors were found for stages at Rheinland-Pfalz-Tag [Rhineland-Palatinate Day], the Lange Nacht der Kultur [Long Night of Culture] and the Altstadtfest [Old Town Festival], which has created opportunities for young bands to perform.
Project period: since April 2013
Project partners: RPR1. | City of Pirmasens (Business Development)