The presence of attractive jobs is the foundation for keeping well-educated youth in the region and also attracting skilled workers from the outside. Here, businesses, management, etc. are challenged to do more for their attractiveness as an employer. We strive to support the employers in the region with this task.
Due to previously existing consulting services from the Industrie- und Handelskammer [Chamber of Commerce and Industry], Handwerkskammer [Chamber of Handicrafts] and private service providers, we have limited ourselves to encouraging the exchange of information between players, avoiding parallel activities or those working contrary to goals and being up-to-date on the variety of offers.
With the series of events "Attractive employers", we combine various activities with different partners to inform about topics like occupational health management and the networking and experience management of personnel departments in the region.
As one of 16 Initiatives nationwide, we have been a partner of the Innovationsbüro "Fachkräfte für die Region [Innovation Office "Qualified employees for the region"] since late 2017. The Innovation Office is financed by the Bundesministerium für Arbeit und Soziales [Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs] and is located at the DIHK. In this context, we hosted a nationwide exchange of experiences, participated in events in other regions and used the opportunities offered by nationwide networking.
Project period: since January 2015
Project partners: Industrie- und Handelskammer | Handwerkskammer |
Agentur für Arbeit | Steffen Ritter (MLP) | Institut für Technologie und Arbeit [Institute of Technology and Work] (ITA) | Institut für Beschäftigung und Employability [Institute of Employment and Employability] (IBE) | Viactiv health insurance | Innovationsbüro "Fachkräfte für die Region [Innovation Office "Qualified employees for the region"]