
Schule 4.0

"Schule 4.0 - Vernetzung ist Zukunft" ["School 4.0 - Networking is the future"] is the name of a project that will establish a new type of teaching in the final years of school at the Hofenfels Gymnasium [Secondary School] in Zweibrücken. With tablets and the use of modern media, the school pupils should be better prepared for the demands in the age of digitalisation. Traditional teaching materials are supplemented and rounded out with iPads. That is how the youth of today will be made fit for tomorrow.


Pro Fachkraft Pirmasens

The project Pro Fachkraft [Pro Skilled Workers] examined the question of what requirements (future) workers had for their employers and how satisfied the employees of six selected businesses were with their employer. On the basis of talks with businesses, schools and universities of applied sciences in the region, management developed a model for an evaluation system for attractive employers. At the end of the project, the Pro Fachkraft seal of approval was granted to the participating businesses.


2. Westpfälzer Wirtschaftsge(h)spräch, Pirmasens

Nach dem erfolgreichen Auftakt im Frühjahr bei MiniTec lädt unser Mitglied Erwin Schottler zu einer Sommerausgabe des Wirtschaftsge(h)sprächs. Diesmal ist das Pirmasenser Unternehmen FWB Kunststofftechnik Gastgeber dieses ungewöhnlichen Veranstaltungsformats, das sich an Entscheidungsträger aus Wirtschaft, Politik und Gesellschaft richtet.

Thema des 2. Westpfälzer Wirtschaftsge(h)sprächs: "Regionale Werte schöpfen" - Unternehmen und ihre Verantwortung für den Fachkräftenachwuchs in der Region.



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